
it•er (it'âr, ī'târ), n. a Journey

ITER is a trilogy of scenes representing our vision of the human experience, what unites us, and what makes us unique.

directors statement

directors statement

During their time in Europe, away from their respective homes, Ismail and Andrea had become fond of a certain ideology. This ideology was that after a night out with some friends which caused a turmoil. The next morning the two took a step back and looked at the conflict from a broader perspective. Ismail and Andrea had an epiphany, the issues they were facing and dealing with were not cared for or rather were totally unknown to the person merely living next to them. As discouraging as this sounds, the pair took this newfound idea and flipped it on its head. They realized that no matter who you are, where you are or how you were raised, we all go through the same emotional rollercoaster best described as the 'human experience'.

ismail alberto ali

ismail alberto ali

Born and raised in Toronto, Ismail 'Ish' Ali, one half of this Capstone Project finds his ambitions leading him towards a career in cinematography. Already beginning his journey through Electric, Grip & Camera Tech work in the ever-expanding Toronto film industry. Ish looks to take his graduate degree and begin marketing himself as a commercial and documentary DP based in Vancouver. In 10 years time, you can find Ish working on films throughout North America and Europe for both commercial and streaming platforms.

Andrea Hernández

Andrea Hernández

Andrea Hernández, the second half of this Capstone Project, is a young and eager cinematographer passionate about storytelling. Deriving from a tropical, full-of-flavor Country in Colombia, now residing in Toronto, Andrea's positive energy is always an asset in bringing up the morale of fellow crew members. She is an open-minded risk-taker looking beyond her comfort zone to improve her technical and social skills. Andrea's appetite for multicultural ventures has taken her around the world, and for her is just the beginning.

04/21/23 - ITER privately screens at the famous Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema in Toronto, Canada.

07/10/23 - ITER is Officially Selected into Golden Dragonfly International Film Festival - Dominican Rep.

08/05/23 - ITER screens at Cinethrive Festival - Toronto, Canada.

09/22/23 - ITER is Officially Selected into Corto Creativo Short Film Festival - Mexico

" (...) These are all random snapshots of lives evolving. The film does not resolve our protagonists’ dilemmas or moralize an outcome. It does much more, it opens us up to the possibility of understanding empathy.

Andrea Hernández and Ismail Ali have crafted a thought-provoking meditation on the human condition. As the film states: ‘In our society pride and ego are prized more than humility’. These young filmmakers have tapped into a vein of consciousness that we all struggle with. In doing so they have introduced us to the concept of compassion and mindfulness. Go with them on this journey."

~ John Marsonet | DOP

"Iter is a beautifully crafted film that asks us to consider the flaws and frailties of the ones we love. Using scenes from diverse vantage points (Alaska, Winnipeg, and France), the filmmakers explore the pain and resilience of people struggling to move forward in their lives. In doing this, they make a case for the universality of the human experience. Our journeys connect and bond us on a global scale, whether we know it or not."

~ Jeff Winch | DOP



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